Engine RUGGERINI RD 210, air cooled, diesel SINCRO FK2 MBS Alternator, synchronous, brushless Super Silenced Power: 12.0 kVA single phase Ready for the use with a AMF / ATS unit (EAS)
Engine: Ruggerini
TS 300 SC – SXC /EL
Engine RUGGERINI RD210, air cooled, diesel, http://www.ruggerini.it Alternator MOSA, asynchronous, brushless Silenced / Supersilenced Max welding Current 300A Welding process: CC Stick, Scratch TIG Auxilary output: CEE socket standard: 1x 32A 400V; 1x 32A 230V, 2x 16A 230V Auxiliary power (10 kVA) available while welding Ground fault interrupter protection Modern, fuel efficient, diesel engine Meets […]
TS 250 SC
Engine Ruggerini RD210, aria cooled, diesel, www.ruggerini.it Alternator Mosa, asynchronous, brushless Silenced Max welding current 250 A Welding process: stick, TIG scratch-start Auxiliary power: CEE socket standard: 1x 32A 400V; 1x 32A 230V; 1x 32A 48V protection (oil pressure/temperature) Auxiliary power (9 kVA) available while welding Ground fault interrupter protection Running gear (optional) Meets EEC directives […]